Home » Science of Sleep » The Bear Chronotype: Everything You Need to Know

The Bear Chronotype: Everything You Need to Know

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Andrew McDowell

Andrew McDowell, MMS, PA-C, is an experienced clinician with over 10 years of practice in emergency medicine…

Reading Time: 21 minutes

  • Bear chronotypes align with the solar cycle, waking with sunrise and sleeping with sunset, and represent a significant portion of the population.
  • Peak productivity for Bears occurs from mid-morning to early afternoon, with an energy slump in the late afternoon.
  • Consistent sleep schedules and routines are crucial for maintaining a healthy circadian rhythm for Bears.
  • Meal timing is important, with breakfast soon after waking, a late afternoon snack, and dinner between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. recommended.
  • Exercise is most beneficial for Bears in the morning or early afternoon, aligning with their peak energy levels.
  • Bears are well-suited for traditional 9-5 work schedules and may struggle with non-standard work hours.
  • Understanding and embracing the Bear chronotype can lead to improved sleep quality, better energy management, and overall well-being.
  • Short midday naps can be beneficial for Bears, but extended naps may disrupt nighttime sleep quality.
  • For optimal mental focus and creativity, Bears should capitalize on their peak hours between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.
  • Seasonal changes may affect Bears’ energy levels, requiring adjustments to their routines to maintain balance.
bear chronotype

Chronotypes are classifications that describe an individual’s natural sleep and wake preferences, which influence their daily energy patterns and overall lifestyle. The concept of chronotypes is grounded in the science of circadian rhythms, which are the natural, internal processes that regulate the sleep-wake cycle and repeat roughly every 24 hours. Among the various chronotypes identified, the Bear chronotype is noted for its alignment with the solar cycle, waking with the sunrise and feeling sleepy as the sun sets.

Bears represent a significant portion of the population, with their sleep-wake patterns typically mirroring societal norms. This chronotype tends to wake around 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. and may experience peak productivity from midmorning to early afternoon. As the day progresses, Bears often hit an energy slump in the late afternoon, aligning with their internal clock’s cue to gradually wind down as evening approaches. Understanding one’s chronotype, particularly if it aligns with the Bear pattern, can be beneficial for optimizing daily schedules, improving productivity, and enhancing overall well-being.

Individuals with the Bear chronotype are encouraged to schedule demanding tasks in the morning and reserve less intensive activities for the afternoon. Key lifestyle recommendations for Bears include eating breakfast shortly after waking, engaging in exercise during the morning or early afternoon, and planning dinner hours before bedtime to support optimal sleep. By tailoring daily routines to match their natural rhythm, Bears can harness their chronotype for a more balanced and fulfilling life.

The Bear chronotype is one of the most common sleep-wake patterns, aligning closely with the solar cycle. Individuals with this chronotype tend to wake up with the sun and feel sleepy as it sets, usually rising between 7:00 AM and 8:00 AM. Their natural bedtime falls around 10:00 PM to 11:00 PM, ensuring a full 7-8 hours of rest. Bears are most productive in the mid-morning to early afternoon, specifically between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM, which coincides with their peak energy levels.

Consistency in their sleep schedule is crucial for maintaining a healthy circadian rhythm. As such, Bears benefit from a relaxing bedtime routine and limiting exposure to blue light before sleep. To support their energy levels throughout the day, it’s recommended that Bear chronotypes have breakfast soon after waking, include a late afternoon snack to combat energy dips, and plan dinner between 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM.

Exercise is best scheduled for the morning or early afternoon for Bears. Their personality traits often align with societal norms, making them well-suited for the traditional 9-5 work schedule. Representing about 55% of the population, Bears can typically adapt to a variety of schedules, though they may experience challenges if their routine is significantly disrupted.

Understanding and embracing the natural tendencies of the Bear chronotype can lead to improved sleep quality, better management of energy levels, and overall well-being. It’s important for Bears to establish regular sleep and wake times, even on weekends, to reinforce their body’s natural sleep-wake cycle and minimize sleep disturbances.

Typical Sleep Schedule for Bear Chronotypes

The Bear chronotype is one of the most common sleep-wake patterns, aligning closely with the traditional 9-to-5 societal work schedule. Bears typically follow a solar-based sleep cycle, waking with the sunrise and feeling sleepy as darkness falls. The ideal sleep schedule for a Bear chronotype is generally from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m., which allows for a full night’s rest in harmony with societal norms.

According to sleep experts, individuals with the Bear chronotype are not night owls and prefer waking up relatively early. This synchronization with the sun’s cycle means that Bears are most productive from mid-morning to early afternoon, with peak energy levels around midday. As the afternoon progresses, Bears may experience a dip in energy, which is best countered with lighter tasks that require less focus.

Meal timing for Bears is also important, with a recommendation to eat breakfast shortly after waking, have a late afternoon snack to sustain energy, and plan for dinner between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m., avoiding eating too close to bedtime. For exercise, mornings or early afternoons are optimal for Bears, aligning with their peak energy periods.

In summary, the Bear chronotype’s natural sleep schedule is well-suited to typical daily routines, making it easier for individuals with this chronotype to adapt to standard work hours and social activities. However, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, including a proper bedtime routine, is crucial for Bears to achieve high-quality sleep and maintain their natural rhythm.

Personality and Behavioral Traits of the Bear Chronotype

The Bear chronotype is the most prevalent among the population, with characteristics that align closely with the solar cycle. Bears typically wake up with the sunrise and go to sleep shortly after sunset, embodying a balanced sleep-wake pattern that is in harmony with societal norms. This chronotype is known for its productivity, especially from mid-morning to early afternoon, hitting peak energy levels around midday and experiencing a dip in the early evening.

Personality traits of the Bear chronotype include a tendency toward extroversion, friendliness, and being approachable and open-minded. Bears are often perceived as easy to talk to and may exhibit cautiousness in their actions. In terms of behavior, Bears are most productive before noon and may feel a decrease in energy between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m., which aligns with their natural rhythm of energy ebb and flow throughout the day.

Given their alignment with the solar schedule, Bears are considered the ‘norm’ within society, and many societal schedules are inadvertently designed to suit this chronotype. This synchronization with the typical 9-to-5 workday can make Bears less susceptible to sleep disorders compared to other chronotypes. However, it is important for Bears to maintain a consistent sleep schedule, engage in morning or early afternoon physical activities, and be mindful of meal timing to support their natural rhythm and optimize well-being.

The Bear chronotype is aligned with the solar cycle, meaning individuals with this chronotype typically wake with the sun and feel sleepy as darkness falls. To optimize sleep, Bears should aim for a consistent sleep-wake schedule that complements this natural rhythm. Establishing a regular routine is crucial, with a recommended bedtime around 11:00 PM and waking up at approximately 7:00 AM to align with their natural sleep cycle of about seven and a half hours, factoring in the time to fall asleep.

Creating a conducive sleep environment is essential for the Bear chronotype. This includes having a comfortable and cool bedroom, reducing noise and light pollution, and possibly using a sleep-supporting supplement if needed. It is also beneficial to have the last meal of the day no later than 8:30 PM to prevent digestion from interfering with sleep onset.

Physical exercise is best scheduled for the morning or early afternoon when energy levels are at their peak, aiding in better sleep quality at night. Incorporating a wind-down period in the evening, away from stimulating activities and screens, can help signal to the body that it’s time to rest. A relaxing bedtime routine, such as reading or meditation, may also promote a faster transition to sleep.

By following these strategies, Bears can enhance their sleep quality, leading to improved energy levels and overall well-being. It is important for Bears to listen to their bodies and adjust their schedules to their natural inclinations for optimal sleep and productivity.

Ideal Bedtimes and Wake-up Times for Bear Chronotypes

The Bear chronotype, which is the most prevalent among sleep chronotypes, tends to follow the natural solar cycle for their sleep-wake patterns. Bears typically feel most refreshed when they align their sleep schedule with the sunrise and sunset. This means waking up as the sun rises, usually around 7 a.m. to 8 a.m., and going to bed several hours after sunset, which can vary depending on the season but often falls between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m. for optimal rest.

Given that the average adult sleep cycle lasts approximately 90 to 120 minutes and most adults need between seven to nine hours of sleep per night, Bears should aim to complete four to five full sleep cycles for restorative rest. This means that if a Bear were to wake up at 7 a.m., they should consider going to bed around 10 p.m. to ensure they have the opportunity for enough quality sleep cycles. It’s also important to note that individual needs may vary, and listening to one’s body is essential for determining the most suitable bedtimes and wake-up times.

Consistency in these times can help regulate the body’s internal clock and improve sleep quality. Bears should also be mindful of their exposure to light in the evening, as this can impact their ability to fall asleep. Limiting screen time before bed and creating a relaxing bedtime routine can further support a Bear’s natural sleep-wake rhythm.

Napping for the Bear Chronotype

The Bear chronotype, which aligns with the societal norm of sleeping at night and being active during the day, may find napping beneficial in certain circumstances. Research indicates that a midday nap can reduce impulsiveness and increase frustration tolerance, as found in a study by the University of Michigan (APA). Napping has also been associated with stress reduction, mood enhancement, and physical rejuvenation. A systematic review suggests positive impacts on subjective measures such as sleepiness and fatigue, as well as psychomotor performances and learning abilities (National Center for Biotechnology Information).

However, there are potential drawbacks to consider. Extended naps exceeding 60 minutes may be linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and are not recommended for those seeking to optimize their sleep-wake patterns. Conversely, short power naps of 15 to 45 minutes can improve memory and reduce fatigue without significantly impacting nighttime sleep quality, as suggested by the director of the Sleep and Health Research Program at the University of Arizona. For Bears, the optimal napping time is typically in the mid-afternoon, around 3 p.m., to avoid interfering with their evening sleep routine (American Heart Association).

Ultimately, Bears should experiment with napping duration and frequency to find a balance that enhances daytime functioning without compromising their natural sleep cycle. Personalized approaches to napping can help Bears maintain their chronotype’s rhythm and reap the benefits of a well-timed rest.

The Bear chronotype, characterized by a sleep-wake pattern that aligns with the sun, can optimize their day for productivity and well-being by tailoring their activities to their natural rhythms. According to Dr. Carly Claney, a licensed psychologist, Bear chronotypes typically wake around 7 a.m. to 8 a.m., making the morning hours ideal for tackling challenging tasks, as their energy levels are higher.

From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Bears are usually at their peak productivity, which is the best time for focused work and hard tasks. To maintain energy levels throughout the day, it’s recommended that Bear chronotypes eat breakfast shortly after waking, have a late afternoon snack, and plan dinner between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. For physical exercise, the morning or early afternoon is suggested, which aligns with their natural energy fluctuations.

By understanding and adhering to these guidelines, Bear chronotypes can boost their productivity, maintain good health, and achieve a sense of well-being that resonates with their innate sleep-wake cycle.

Peak Hours for Mental Focus and Creativity in Bear Chronotypes

For individuals with the Bear chronotype, understanding the optimal times for mental focus and creativity is essential for maximizing their daily productivity. Based on research into cognitive performance and creativity, certain times of day are more conducive to these activities. Learning and creative endeavors are most effective when the brain is in acquisition mode, which, according to science, generally occurs between 10:00 am to 2:00 pm and then again from 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm. This aligns well with the Bear chronotype’s natural rhythm, which typically follows the sun’s cycle and is most active during daylight hours.

During the late morning to early afternoon, Bears are likely to experience a peak in cognitive abilities, making this an ideal time for tasks that require focus and analytical thinking. The late afternoon to evening period can be reserved for creative pursuits, as the brain may still be highly engaged and capable of innovative thinking. It is important for Bears to protect their attention during these peak focus times and to embrace periods of healthy boredom, as they can fuel innovation and efficiency. Taking short breaks to engage in simple activities, such as doing a puzzle or even daydreaming, can help refresh the mind and enhance creative output upon returning to work.

However, it’s crucial to note that these time frames are not absolute and can vary based on individual differences. Bears should observe their own patterns of productivity and adjust their schedules accordingly to harness their natural inclinations towards mental focus and creativity.

Exercise Timing for Bear Chronotypes

For individuals with the Bear chronotype, aligning physical activity with their natural energy patterns can lead to enhanced performance and more effective recovery. While general health guidelines recommend 150-300 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75-150 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity per week, the optimal timing for exercise may vary based on chronotype.

Bear chronotypes tend to have a balanced circadian rhythm that aligns well with the traditional 9-to-5 schedule. They usually feel most energetic in the mid-morning to early afternoon. Therefore, Bears may find it most beneficial to engage in physical exercise during this time frame, especially between late morning and early afternoon, when their energy levels are at their peak. This can lead to improved strength, endurance, and overall physical performance.

Conversely, Bears may want to avoid late evening workouts, as this can interfere with their natural wind-down period and potentially disrupt sleep quality. As sleep is crucial for recovery, it is important for Bears to schedule exercise at a time that supports both their peak activity levels and their restorative sleep patterns.

Ultimately, individual preferences and schedules will dictate the most practical exercise times, but for Bear chronotypes, aiming for physical activity during their natural energy highs can maximize the health benefits of their workouts.

Meal Timing and Diet for the Bear Chronotype

For individuals with the Bear chronotype, aligning meal timing with their natural circadian rhythm can have significant health benefits. Research indicates that the timing of meals can affect weight management, metabolic health, and overall well-being. Bears, who tend to have a preference for a balanced day-night cycle, may find that eating in sync with their body’s internal clock can enhance their metabolic efficiency and energy levels.

Studies suggest that intermittent fasting with periods of caloric restriction can lead to improved metabolic outcomes such as body fat loss and reduced fasting glucose levels. Additionally, early time-restricted eating, which includes having an early breakfast and dinner, aligns with the body’s circadian rhythms, potentially improving glucose levels and aiding in metabolism.

Chrononutrition research also demonstrates that eating meals at regular intervals can prevent dips in blood sugar levels, which can affect mood and concentration. For Bears, having a substantial breakfast followed by meals every three to four hours may help maintain steady energy throughout the day. It is also advisable to avoid heavy meals close to bedtime to prevent digestive discomfort and potential sleep disturbances.

Incorporating a diet that is rich in nutrients and balanced across all food groups can support the Bear’s natural rhythm. A focus on whole foods, lean proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates can provide sustained energy and facilitate better sleep patterns. As Bears typically align well with societal norms, they can benefit from a structured meal schedule that complements their active hours and supports restful nights.

Bear chronotypes, who align closely with the solar cycle, waking with the sun and winding down as it sets, can optimize their social and professional lives by scheduling activities in harmony with their natural rhythms. Bears often find themselves most alert and productive in the mid-morning to early afternoon, making this the ideal time for work tasks that require focus and cognitive effort. As such, Bears should aim to tackle challenging projects between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., when their energy levels are at their peak.

For social engagements, Bear chronotypes benefit from planning activities during their energetic windows. Late morning or lunchtime gatherings align well with their high-energy phase. Evening social events should be scheduled earlier rather than later, as Bears tend to wind down after dinner, typically between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. Maintaining a consistent sleep-wake schedule, even on weekends, is crucial for Bears to avoid sleep disturbances and ensure they are well-rested for both work and social activities.

At the workplace, Bears may find their energy waning in the late afternoon. To combat this, they could incorporate a late afternoon snack, a short walk, or a brief meditation session to rejuvenate themselves. Given their propensity for consistency, Bears thrive in work environments that offer a regular, predictable schedule. However, they should be mindful to avoid heavy meals or vigorous exercise close to bedtime, as this can disrupt their sleep quality.

Ultimately, understanding and respecting their chronotype allows Bear individuals to align their professional goals and social life with their biological predispositions, leading to improved productivity and well-being.

Workplace Productivity for Bear Chronotypes

For individuals with the Bear chronotype, managing energy levels is critical to maintaining productivity in the workplace. Bears align well with standard 9-to-5 schedules, but they still need to optimize their energy throughout the workday. Here are some tips specifically tailored for Bear chronotypes to stay productive:

  • Recognize your natural energy cycles and schedule demanding tasks during peak alertness times, typically mid-morning to early afternoon for Bears.
  • Take regular short breaks to prevent burnout and maintain a steady energy level throughout the day. A brief walk or a relaxation exercise can be particularly rejuvenating.
  • Identify tasks that drain your energy more than others and try to tackle them when you feel most energized, or break them into smaller, manageable parts.
  • Stay hydrated and eat balanced meals to fuel your body for sustained energy. Bears should be cautious with caffeine intake, especially in the afternoon, to avoid disrupting their sleep cycle.
  • Implement a routine that includes physical activity, as exercise can boost energy and improve focus. For Bears, a workout session in the late afternoon can be ideal.
  • Ensure your work environment is conducive to productivity, with adequate lighting and a comfortable temperature, as physical comfort can affect energy levels.

By understanding and working with their natural rhythm, Bear chronotypes can effectively manage their energy and enhance their productivity at work.

Social Activities and Relationships as a Bear Chronotype

The Bear chronotype, which encompasses approximately 55% of the population according to sleep expert Dr. Michael Breus, is naturally aligned with the solar cycle of rising and setting of the sun. This synchronization with the typical 9-to-5 workday schedule means that Bear chronotypes generally have an easier time engaging in social and professional activities that fall within standard working hours. However, managing social activities and personal relationships requires a deeper understanding of the Bear chronotype’s natural rhythm for optimal social interaction.

Bears are known for their ability to wake up and fall asleep with relative ease, which suggests they have a flexible and adaptable nature in their social lives. For socializing, Bears may find that late morning to early afternoon aligns well with their peak energy levels, making it an ideal time for engaging in social activities that require more alertness and enthusiasm.

Evening social events can also be suitable for Bear chronotypes, as long as they are not too late into the night, allowing Bears to maintain their consistent sleep schedule. It’s important for Bears to prioritize sleep and avoid late-night socializing that can disrupt their natural sleep-wake pattern. By planning social engagements around their optimal times of alertness and ensuring they have sufficient time to wind down before bed, Bear chronotypes can maintain a healthy balance between their social life and sleep needs.

For personal relationships, clear communication about their chronotype and the need for a regular sleep schedule can help Bears set expectations with friends and family. This understanding can facilitate the scheduling of activities at times that are most harmonious with the Bear’s natural energy fluctuations, fostering stronger and more fulfilling relationships.

Bear chronotypes, representing individuals who align their sleep-wake patterns with the sun, face unique challenges in a society that may not cater to their solar-based rhythms. The common hurdles include maintaining energy throughout the day, aligning meal times with energy needs, and managing the afternoon energy dip. Solutions for these challenges are essential for Bears to thrive in their daily lives.

  • To combat the mid-afternoon energy slump, Bear chronotypes can benefit from a balanced late afternoon snack, a short walk, or a brief meditation session to rejuvenate their focus and energy levels.
  • For meal planning, Bears should aim to have breakfast soon after waking up and schedule dinner between 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. to align with their natural energy cycles.
  • Exercise is most beneficial for Bears if done in the morning or early afternoon when their energy levels are naturally higher.
  • When energy levels wane, instead of reaching for caffeine, Bears can try hydrating with a big glass of water, engaging in gentle stretching, or even dancing to a favorite song for a quick energy boost.
  • In terms of sleep, consistency is key. Bears should strive to go to bed and wake up at the same times daily, even on weekends, to stabilize their internal clocks.
  • If sleep challenges persist, Bears might consider a sleep-supporting supplement, but only after consulting with a healthcare professional.

By understanding and working with their natural rhythms, Bear chronotypes can optimize their daily routines for better productivity, well-being, and overall quality of life.

Bears Adjusting to Non-Bear Schedules

Individuals with the Bear chronotype may face challenges when their natural sleep-wake cycle doesn’t align with societal or work-related schedules. Adapting to a non-Bear schedule requires effective coping strategies to manage stress and maintain well-being. Here are several approaches:

  • Lowering Expectations: Accept that adapting to a new schedule may lead to decreased productivity initially. It’s important to set realistic goals during the transition period.
  • Seeking Support: Engage with emotionally supportive relationships that can provide assistance and understanding as you navigate schedule changes.
  • Engaging in Problem-Solving: Identify specific issues that arise from the schedule mismatch and develop practical solutions to address them.
  • Practicing Relaxation Techniques: Incorporate relaxation strategies like deep breathing, meditation, and mindfulness to alleviate stress.
  • Physical Activity: Maintain regular exercise, which can help regulate sleep patterns and improve mood.
  • Boundary Setting: Establish clear boundaries to protect your sleep time, even when external schedules demand more flexibility.
  • Goal Setting: Create structured to-do lists and set short-term goals to stay organized and focused.
  • Adjusting Gradually: If possible, gradually shift your sleep-wake times to align more closely with the new schedule, allowing your body to adapt slowly.

By employing these coping strategies, Bears can better manage the stress of non-aligned schedules and work towards maintaining their overall health and well-being.

Seasonal Adjustments for Bear Chronotypes

Bear chronotypes, who align closely with the solar cycle, may experience fluctuations in their sleep-wake patterns with the changing seasons. During longer days, Bears may find it easier to wake up with the sunlight and have more energy throughout the day. Conversely, shorter days in winter can pose challenges, potentially leading to difficulties in waking up and reduced exposure to natural light, which is vital for regulating circadian rhythms.

To maintain balance throughout the seasons, Bear chronotypes can adopt several strategies. Ensuring exposure to natural light, especially in the morning, can help signal the body to wake up. This can be achieved by taking a short walk outside or using a light therapy lamp. Consistency is also crucial; maintaining a regular sleep schedule, even on weekends, supports the body’s internal clock. During winter, when daylight is scarce, Bears should be particularly mindful of light exposure and may benefit from vitamin D supplementation to compensate for the reduced sunlight. Additionally, adjusting meal times and engaging in physical activity during daylight hours can help reinforce natural rhythms.

As the seasons change, Bears should be attentive to their energy levels and adjust their schedules accordingly. Planning more demanding tasks during peak energy times and lighter activities when energy wanes can help maximize productivity and well-being throughout the year.

As we conclude our exploration of the Bear chronotype, it is clear that understanding and aligning with one’s natural sleep-wake patterns can significantly enhance daily functioning and overall well-being. The Bear chronotype, representing a substantial portion of the population, is characterized by a sleep schedule that typically aligns with societal norms, offering a unique advantage in adhering to conventional work and social schedules.

Bears are encouraged to optimize their sleep by establishing consistent sleep routines, embracing their mid-morning peak for cognitive tasks, and scheduling physical activities in the early evening when their energy levels naturally rise. Meal timing should also be considered, with a focus on balanced nutrition that supports their chronobiological rhythm.

While Bears may face challenges in environments that deviate from their natural tendencies, they can employ strategies such as light exposure management and sleep environment optimization to maintain their rhythm. Seasonal changes and non-standard schedules may require additional adjustments, but with awareness and proactive planning, Bears can navigate these with minimal disruption to their intrinsic pattern.

In essence, living well as a Bear chronotype means embracing one’s natural rhythm, maximizing periods of peak energy, and ensuring restorative sleep. By doing so, Bears can harness their innate potential for productivity, creativity, and social harmony, leading to a fulfilling and balanced lifestyle.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Bear Chronotype?

A Bear Chronotype refers to a category within the circadian rhythm typology that represents individuals who follow the sun's cycle closely. These individuals tend to wake up and go to sleep at conventional times, feeling most energetic during the daylight hours.

How can someone optimize their schedule if they have a Bear Chronotype?

To optimize their schedule, individuals with a Bear Chronotype should aim to align their activities with their natural energy peaks and valleys. This means undertaking demanding tasks in the morning and early afternoon when they're most alert, and scheduling relaxation and winding down activities as the day progresses towards evening.

What percentage of the population falls under the Bear Chronotype?

It is estimated that about 55% of the population falls under the Bear Chronotype, making it the most common circadian rhythm typology among individuals.

Are there any specific diet or exercise recommendations for Bear Chronotypes?

For Bear Chronotypes, it's recommended to engage in exercise during the morning to early afternoon to capitalize on their natural energy high. Regarding diet, eating a balanced breakfast, having a substantial lunch, and a lighter dinner can help maintain their energy levels throughout the day and promote better sleep at night.

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